The 14th Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations is evidence that a Generational change in attitude is essential to achieving the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

“As a millennial with a 501c3 not-profit-organization called the Global Connections for Women Foundation, one of the leading international non-profits of the millennium – in the areas of gender equality, women empowerment and youth empowerment. This paradigm shift in behavior is one I call “a new generational change in attitude towards global development matters.”

“Additionally, as the Founder and Executive Director of the Global Connections for Women Foundation, I felt truly honored to play a critical part in broadening the understanding of the youth at the UN Youth Assembly, on where we are in the fight for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment.”

“During the global development workshop at the UN Youth Assembly on “The Status of Women and Girls in Africa and the rest of the World.” I challenged the young delegates in my session to Lean in, take action and join the global efforts in reversing the remaining threats to Gender Equality in their country and the rest of the world.” said Lilian O. Ajayi, Founder and Executive Director of the Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W)

The General Assembly Hall was filled with more than 600 young delegates with multifaceted experiences and from diverse backgrounds. Alongside the young leaders of today were United Nation Ambassadors, Activists, Civil Society leaders and High-level Officials including H.E. Ambassador Federico A. Gonzalez, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the United Nations; H.E. Ambassador Henry Mac-Donald; Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning; Lance Gould, Executive Special Project Editor, The Huffington Post; Ravi Karkara, Strategic Partnership Adviser, Office of the Assistant Secretary-General: Deputy Executive at UN Women; Lauren Brown, Representative for UN Women; Oliver Libby, Chair & Co-Founder, The Resolution Project; Lilian O. Ajayi, Founder & Executive Director, Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W); Andrew Rabens, Special Adviser, Global Youth Issues, U.S. Department of State, amongst others. Patrick Sciarratta YA @UN Project Director and Executive Director of Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, and Jolly Amatya, Co-Chair Youth Assembly organized the UN Youth Assembly.

“This is the most empowered generation the world has ever seen” said Andrew Rabens, Special Adviser, Global Youth Issues,  U.S. Department of State in his closing remarks at the General Assembly Hall UN Headquarter.

See also  Lilian O. Ajayi addresses the UN General Assembly High-Level Event on Climate Change
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