In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in women in the workforce and, more specifically, in industries that have, until the last decade, been predominantly saturated by men.

Keeping women at the forefront of the workforce not only ensures women continue to have a voice on important issues but that they’re well represented among their peers. For women who are looking to be part of the women’s workforce movement, women thinking of starting a career may want to consider breaking into the STEM field. Here are some reasons why women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is vital for future success.

Women as Family Providers

For hundreds of years, men have been seen as the sole providers for their family. This type of thinking has kept women in the background with the expectation that they should serve as the family caretakers, rearing children and tending to the household. However, as we see a rise in single-parent households, it has become necessary for women to break out of these traditional roles and enter the workforce to provide for their children. When women secure careers in the STEM field, they’ll be better equipped to provide for their family, as STEM fields have a tendency to pay better than jobs that don’t require a specialized skill. In fact, STEM fields are less likely to have the wage disparity that is often common for women in the workforce, which means they’ll be able to provide a comfortable living for their family.

Women Bring Diversity

Women in STEM, particularly minority women, offer diversity to the workforce which can also bring a refreshing new perspective to the table. Having a varied perspective on issues, particularly ones that pertain to women such as women’s health, can ensure that the right solutions are being offered on a wider scale, which can be beneficial for the population as a whole. In addition, having a diverse workforce ensures that women have a better chance of advancement to more senior-level or board room positions, which typically have been dominated by males throughout the years.

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Women offer a brighter future for our children 

Female children often look to their older counterparts as role models, and when older women are seen in professional roles it may give them hope that they too can be a successful woman when they grow older. It’s important that future generations understand that there are no limits to what they can accomplish and that they aren’t limited to a particular industry based on their gender. Concurrently, it’s also vital that young males see women in positions equal to men so that they grow up viewing women as peers no matter what industry the work in. Because such a large number of children are raised by single mothers, having a strong woman role model who’s seen as someone who can provide for their family breaks down gender inequality barriers and keeps women’s rights in stride with men’s.

How to Secure a Career in STEM

As with finding most professional careers, securing a career in the STEM field typically begins with receiving a college education. Education should be valued regardless of which career direction you choose, but if you’re particularly interested in working in one of the fields defined by STEM, you’ll want to start by looking at the different programs available at the university of your choice. Your first step will likely be the discovery phase, where you talk with someone or take an aptitude test to determine your strengths, weaknesses, and interests. From there, you should be able to narrow down your choices to a particular field of interested before moving on to the exploration phase, where you’ll dig deeper into a few different options to determine the best fit. From there, you’ll apply for different programs best suited to your abilities and interests and wait to be admitted to a program.

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These are just a few of the benefits of working in the field of science, technology, engineering, or math. STEM fields are a lucrative way for women to provide for their families while advancing their career.

It Doesn’t End with Education 

It’s important to note that securing a career in a STEM field doesn’t begin and end with an education. You can also gain valuable knowledge and experience by completing internships in your field. These will teach you more about your field while getting your foot in the door with a potential employer should a position open up after you graduate college.

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