TIME for Kids, the school-based publication that has provided quality, trusted journalism to millions of students in elementary classrooms for 25 years, announced today that it will bring TIME for Kids to homes for the first time. As families, teachers and students adjust to school closures as a result of the global spread of COVID-19, the new TIME for Kids digital library will provide access to new issues of TIME for Kids and Your $, the financial literacy magazine for kids, each week. TIME for Kids will also make available a complete library of previously published editions from 2020 along with additional educational resources and activities.

In bringing trusted, age-appropriate journalism and news literacy instruction to classrooms, TIME for Kids is uniquely positioned to help students understand the news and the world around them. The first new issue of TIME for Kids in the digital library, a special report on COVID-19, will be available on March 23. The package includes interviews with health experts and a look at how the pandemic is affecting schools, the economy and more. It will also include resources for teachers and families to both facilitate conversations about coronavirus and to help children better understand the current crisis.

“Kids need and deserve fact-based, trustworthy journalism to help put the world in age-appropriate context, especially during a confusing time,” said Andrea Delbanco, editor in chief of TIME for Kids. “In response to the current crisis we are bringing TIME for Kids to homes and families to provide access to anyone who needs it.”

Each week, the free digital library will offer four grade-specific editions, including K-1, 2, 3-4, and 5-6, of Time for Kids. Every edition of TIME for Kids and Your $ published in 2020 will also be available in the digital library.

The digital editions featured in the free digital library allow children to flip through content in the same way they do with print editions, which are actively designed to engage kids. TIME for Kids content will also be available in multiple additional formats, including printable PDFs and published articles on TimeforKids.com, to ensure access for all students.

As teachers navigate the uncharted territory of virtual instruction, TIME for Kids is supporting educators with complete access to teaching materials, curriculum guides and weekly virtual learning plans for each TIME for Kids issue. Supplemental tools including worksheets and quizzes will be published for teachers and families on TimeforKids.com to serve as a turn-key resource for homeschool and distance learning instruction.

All educators can sign up to receive these companion resources through the TIME for Kids weekly newsletter: timeforkids.com/newsletter.

The TIME for Kids digital library is made possible with support from Google, AT&T, HP and PwC Charitable Foundation. eMagazines is the technology partner for the TIME for Kids digital library.

For more information and to sign up for free access to TIME for Kids’ new digital library visit: https://time.com/tfk-free.


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