According to the Small Business Association (SBA):
We are preparing you to beat those odds and successfully grow your business. The Global Connections for Women Foundation created the GC4W Entrepreneurship Certificate Program to develop and train a successful cohort of female entrepreneurs on new ways to transform their business ventures and shape their leadership acumen. The GC4W Entrepreneurship Advanced Program for Female Entrepreneurs is a six months in-person and/or online program that is designed to train, coach and transform entrepreneurs or business leaders, who are looking for additional support with revolutionizing their business practices and customer acquisition strategy.
The goals and objectives of the GC4W Advanced Entrepreneurship Program are: (1) to train our female entrepreneurs on how to enrich your tacit knowledge of your business and professional experience, (2) to coach on how to improve your leadership performance and overall business performance, and (3) to transform your business with a best-in-class approach and boost business performance, business operations, investors management, and customer loyalty.
The GC4W University Faculty are successful practicing entrepreneurs, business leaders, venture capitalist, and esteemed educators, who have decided to give their time to bridge the gap on what it takes to run a scalable business with high standards of practice and leadership. The exceptional faculty and advisors behind the GC4W Entrepreneurship Programs are thought leaders and industry experts from leading instutitions including MasterCard, JP Morgan Chase, Sales Force, IBM, Medidata, McKinsey & Company, NYU, Wharton University of Pennsylvania, to name a few.
The course modules dive deep into the 12 key concepts including Business Communications & Leadership, Business Performance Coaching, Business Analytics, and Data Strategy. Advanced Risk Assessments, Advanced Financial Modeling, Advanced Consumer Marketing and Branding, Seed Rounds and Raising Capital. In addition to bonus modules including Advanced Productivity, Business Optimization, and Leadership Board Management.
We partnered with the International School of Management (ISM) to provide accreditation to all the participants in the GC4W Advanced Entrepreneurship Program. What this partnership means is that in addition to completing the training program and earning a certificate of completion with us – participants also acquire academic credits that they can transfer to any degree-granting institutions anywhere in the world. As well as unparalleled access to ISM’s faculty, certificate programs, educational tools and resources, and other degree programs.
The GC4W Advanced Entrepreneurship program is looking to enroll entrepreneurs who are enthusiastic, passionate, and comitted to the success of their business, and are looking for more opportunities to scale their business. Entrepreneurs who have a great sense of purpose, and whose business is serving a community of consumers who needs it the most.
This 6-months advanced training program is scheduled to run from September 2022 through February 2023 with a cohort of 10-25 candidates. The program meets twice a month online using Zoom Classrooms. All Candidates must have access to high-speed internet to apply to the program. The deadline to submit your application for the September cohort is August 31st, 2022.
The GC4W Advanced Program for Entrepreneur tuition is $795. **40% savings on tuition when you register before August 31st, 2022.
GC4W University Programs’ Students Demographics & Statistics
The Global Connections for Women has successfully trained over 50 female founders and entrepreneurs worldwide.