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Women Are Taking Over the Military Industrial Complex

As of the start of 2019, 4 of the nation’s 5 biggest defense contractors are female-led. CEO’s of Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, the defense arm of Boeing are women. After what has always been male-dominated, the decades of women entering STEM has acted as a watershed. Lockheed Martin CEO, Marillyn Hewson believes it is also the result of, “Quieting that…

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Cary Caster on Turning Aromatherapy into a Profitable Venture

Cary Caster, an aromatherapist and ethnobotanist, has founded a company that is making aromatherapy and essential oils accessible and user-friendly for the masses. Aromatherapy – relaxation, healing through oils and blends and the purest of ingredients have a tendency to be perceived as a whimsical field, especially given the lack of information, until now. Caster is bringing the information, the science,…

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