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Infographic Showing The Role Of Women In the Tech Industry Today.

The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today Tech has always been a predominantly male industry, with iconic male entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg gaining the most recognition for their contributions to the sector. However, women are playing a huge part too and more and more women are entering both regular and high-level positions in tech, with the big…

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Meet The 19-year-old Tech Genius Coding At Ethiopia’s First AI Lab.

At 19-years-old, Betelhem Dessie is perhaps the youngest pioneer in Ethiopia’s fast emerging tech scene, sometimes referred to as ‘Sheba Valley’. Dessie is coordinating a number of nationwide programs run by robotics lab iCog, the Addis Ababa based artificial intelligence (AI) lab that was involved in developing the world famous Sophia the robot. She has four software programs copyrighted solely…

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Indra Nooyi Shared A Work Regret On Her Last Day As Pepsico CEO.

Indra Nooyi stepped down as the CEO of PepsiCo. As she did, the outgoing exec reflected on career lessons learned in a special ‘goodbye’ letter to employees. In this LinkedIn post, she encouraged her staffers to set goals, listen openly to feedback and pursue lifelong education. Most crucially, she told them: “Think hard about time.” Nooyi was PepsiCo’s first female chief executive and boosted revenue…

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Minda Harts on Leaning In and the Challenge on Women Of Color.

It’s been five years since one of Silicon Valley’s most powerful female executives told women to take ownership of their careers, work harder, and demand more. Sheryl Sandberg’s New York Times bestseller, Lean In, opened an important dialogue about women in the workplace—but there was one major problem: It left out women of color—and the unique challenges and obstacles they face. Sandberg has…

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Learn About The Thriving Industry: The “Femtech” Market.

Women’s health and well-being is on pace to become a $50B industry by the year 2025. Investors, say hello to ‘femtech’. The femtech market is expected to reach $50B by 2025 According to Forbes, only 10% of global investment goes to female-led startups — that’s horrendous — but, today, we’re going to let positivity win. Research firm Frost & Sullivan forecasts the…

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