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Women Reveal Stories of Sexism in the Workplace

After an Uber board member’s wisecrack and the interruption of Senator Kamala Harris during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, The New York Times asked women to share their own experiences. More than 1,000 responded, offering up vivid anecdotes of times they had been interrupted, penalized for speaking up, belittled or discriminated against in terms of salary, promotions or pregnancy. Some women asked…

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Women Have $890 Billion in Student Loan Debt – The Country’s Biggest Share

Women are carrying nearly two-thirds of the country’s outstanding student loan debt. That alarming math comes out of a new report by the American Association of University Women, an education advocacy group, titled, “Deeper in Debt: Women and Student Loans.” To be sure, 56 percent of today’s college students are women, and so it makes sense that more women than…

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7 Life Lessons from Cleo Wade

The author of Heart Talk, Cleo Wade, shares the inspiration for her powerful, relatable writing and the most important words you can say to others—and yourself. “I don’t need to know you to love you,” the millennial poet and artist Cleo Wade writes in her first book Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life. “You are my tribe, and I am yours.”…

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Two Girls in Uganda: Stepping Up by Speaking Out About Equality

The two articles that follow have been provided by WIL Uganda to We.News – Women In Leadership, a female led grassroots community based organization empowering women and girls in eastern Uganda in a rural town called Busembatia. They speak about gender equality.  Women and Girls: We Shall by Namulinda Shamim Fatuma “As people say, “the roots of education are bitter, but the fruits…

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Silicon Valley Experts Train and Certify 100 Future Job Creators

Oriental Hotel spearheaded the 6-days intensive training schedule of the 2nd Immersion Program. Participating companies from the billion-dollar technology industry included Oracle Africa, IBM Nigeria, and HP Nigeria. Bright-eyed and ambitious participants stood in line at the break of day to sit in a lecture hall that was decorated with chandeliers and luxurious marble floors with draped white linen seating arrangements.…

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