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How to Achieve Your Potential By Embracing Your Passion and Purpose, with Lilian Ajayi-Ore  

Kathy Caprino’s Finding Brave Podcast – Episode 20: How to Achieve Your Potential By Embracing Your Passion and Purpose, with Lilian Ajayi-Ore                   “I force my students to really challenge their minds to ignite both the right side of their brain and the left side of their brain. So they bring in critical and creativeness, and when those two…

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Rachel Shechtman – Ready To Revolutionize Macy’s

Macy’s just announced it has acquired the New York City-based Story store, a modest 2,000-square-foot store but one with a powerhouse leader and retail revolutionary in founder Rachel Shechtman. She threw the traditional retail model out the window and created something new based upon stories, not products. The concept of Story is simple and brilliant. Every six to eight weeks, Story creates a…

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Aly Raisman Challenges Colleges To ‘Stand Up For What’s Right’ On Sexual Assault

“Putting reputations above safety needs to stop,” the Olympic gymnast wrote. Aly Raisman wants colleges to do better ― much better ― to address sexual assault on campuses. “Colleges, I beg you to have character, stand up for what’s right and set the standard for abusers and how campuses support survivors,” the Olympic gymnast wrote on her Instagram on Monday…

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Top Moments for Women’s Rights in 2017.

Looking back on 2017, we are reminded of the undeniable power of women’s movements—because when women and girls come together, they are stronger, more effective in driving sustainable change, and better able to resist injustice, fear, and hate. This article celebrates some of the best moments for Women’s Rights in 2017.  Government and policy-making still plays such an important role in…

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Pushing for Gender Equality in Industries – Female Leaders are Important for Businesses.

If you’re a woman seeking a career in enterprise technology, you already know it’s an uphill battle. However, times are changing for women in technology and other industries. A greater push for gender equality is taking place across all industries, with women demanding equal pay while also advocating for equal representation at all levels of leadership. According to By The…

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Inspiring 40,000 Girls to Build “Better” Tech Careers and Pursue STEM Careers.

Sexism scandals rocked Uber last year, yet today the unicorn’s tech workforce is still overwhelmingly male (82%). “Too often girls don’t feel empowered to make technical choices or pursue technical fields,” says Anne-Marie Imafidon, the co-founder of Stemettes—a social enterprise that supports girls into STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) careers. “We don’t just want to have more women building Uber, we…

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