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PepsiCo and the SWE Kick-Off Annual Student Engineering Challenge.

Encouraging female students and professionals to pursue STEM education and opportunities is more important than ever. To help strengthen interest and participation in STEM fields, PepsiCo and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) have proudly kicked off their annual PepsiCo/SWE Student Engineering Challenge. Now in its fourth year, this competitive program encourages undergraduates to compete for scholarship prizes and a…

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NYU: Empowering Women in Information Technology

Women in Information Technology (WIT), an initiative launched by New York University (NYU), aims to counter the scarcity of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields of study and in the technology industry in general.  According to a 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, women comprised just 18% of computer and information sciences bachelor’s degree recipients in the U.S.…

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Mother Jones: March for Our Lives Against Gun Violence Brings Thousands Together

An extraordinary student mobilization in the form of March for Our Lives brought hundreds of thousands to the streets of U.S. cities Saturday to demand tougher gun laws, in a muscular display of political determination less than six weeks after the Parkland school massacre. At many of the March for Our Lives events across the United States, speakers reminded the hundreds…

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The Women in Science (WiSci) Camp aims to Close the Gender Gap, #GirlUp.

The Women in Science (WiSci) camp aims to close the gender gap through access to education, mentorship opportunities, and leadership training. Girls will participate in hands-on activities to learn about various STEAM topics in a cross-cultural learning environment. STEAM stands for Science Technology Engineering Arts & Design Mathematics. Why focus on STEAM education for girls? Over the past 15 years,…

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Enroll in the Women’s Leadership Program at Bentley University.

The Women’s Leadership Program at the Center for Women and Business (CWB) at Bentley University empowers young women to lead. CWB Leaders gain essential skills and experiences that enhance their potential to advance into leadership roles across all areas of business. Building Competence and Confidence During each year of the program, CWB Leaders have the opportunity to participate in workshops, roundtables, and…

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Google Doodle celebrates the 98th Birthday of Katsuko Saruhashi, a Geochemist.

Today, Google Doodle celebrates the 98th Birthday of Katsuko Saruhashi, a Geochemist. Katsuko Saruhashi turned radioactive fallout into a scientific legacy. Katsuko Saruhashi, whose research helped reveal the insidious spread of radioactive fallout from the US nuclear testing ground in the Pacific. If she were still alive, today would have been her 98th birthday. In 1957, Saruhashi became the first…

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UN Women: Olivier Mukuta is Using Blockchain Technology to Empower Women

Olivier Mukuta, a social innovator who grew up in a refugee camp is working to create blockchain technology solutions to help empower women in humanitarian crisis situations. Olivier Mukuta and his team were among the winners at the first “blockchain hackathon” co-organized by UN Women and Innovation Norway in July 2017. Muktua’s team developed ‘VipiCash’, an app that uses blockchain…

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