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Forbes: Why 2018 Is The Year To Take Action – #MeTooWhatsNext

2017 was the year of the silence breakers. Women’s stories of sexual assault, abuse, harassment, and misconduct swept news headlines, and for the first time in history, #MeToo moments could not be ignored. While some companies and individuals took initiative to speak up, implement zero-tolerance policies, admit the need for change, others have gone silent, taking the path of fear…

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Youth Harness the Power of Tech to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls.

The campaign which brought together people of various ages and backgrounds, who were all inspired by activism and altruism, proved that the youth, civil society and business sector can work together to generate new ideas and solution to combat violence against women and girls. A 48-hour Hackathon in Sarajevo brought gender and tech experts together with youth from all around…

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TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year 2017 – The Silence Breakers.

The faces of five women, including celebrities Taylor Swift and Ashley Judd, appear on TIME’s 2017 Person of the Year cover, representing the “The Silence Breakers” — the thousands of people across the world who have come forward with their experiences of sexual harassment and assault, #METOO. At the federal level, the House and Senate have passed new rules requiring…

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From Seventh Generation, a Conscious Consumer Revolution Holiday Gift-Giving

From your spouse, your sister-in-law, your coworkers, your child’s teachers, there’s no shortage of people to shop for this Christmas. It’s hard enough to know exactly what to buy everyone on your list, but it’s even more challenging for the conscious consumer. How do you balance health, sustainability, and fun. We’ve gathered ideas for gifts that tick all the boxes, from…

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