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Lilian O. Ajayi Keynote Speaker Address at Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland

The Official Transcript of Lilian O. Ajayi‘s Keynote address on Africa Day at Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin. Download a copy of the Presentation slides. The official Press release is available here and the presentation slides are available here.  Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguish Delegates, Special Guests, the Leadership Council of TIDI, Fellow Speakers, and Members of the Press. Thank for…

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Caitlyn Jenner: How Transgender Women Are Helping to Deliver on Gender Equality

“I am so happy to be a girl” said Caitlyn Jenner during her Vanity Fair Interview As the fight for Gender Equality continues, some argue that to achieve the “ultimate” goal of equality, there is a greater need for a coalition among diverse communities of women – one that includes and accepts all women. Thus far, the achievements attained through the support of…

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Why You Should Meet FORBES’ 2015 Most Powerful Women

“FORBES’ definitive ranking of the most powerful women in the world.” FORBES’ Power 100 Women list includes Women in Politics, Business, Technology, Philanthropy, Media, Finance, Entertainment and even, Billionaire. We are truly excited to see that FORBES’ Power 100 list captures an array of leading women breaking “new” glass ceilings in their industries. The FORBES’ Power 100 Women list was also filled with 19 new faces including: …

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