The Founder and Executive Director of the Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W), Lilian O. Ajayi, lead a “Global Development Workshop: The Status of Women & Girls and join the UN Women in a panel titled “Getting from Here to Gender Equality” – at the 2015 Summer session of the Youth Assembly at the United Nations.

“We must earnest the talents and capacity of the Youth in order to successfully meet the challenges in our world TODAY” said Lilian O. Ajayi, Founder & Executive Director of the Global Connections for Women Foundation. 

The Youth Assembly at the United Nations (YA@UN) is a unique platform created to foster dialogue and generate partnerships between exceptional youth, UN high officials and staff, private sector, and civil society. “As Executive Director of Friendship Ambassadors Foundation for two years. I have witnessed the fact that cultural exchange can definitely raise the consciousness of people and move then to cooperative action on behalf of their weakest brethren” said Patrick Sciarratta, UN Youth Assembly Project Director and the Executive Director of Friendship Ambassadors Foundation.

The UN Youth Assembly is committed to empowering youth to become active participants in the success of the UN Millennium Development Goals and the transition to the Post 2015 Development Agenda.

  • Program: Summer YA 2015 – 3 Full Days at the United Nations Headquarters, NYC, USA; Resolution Project new Social Venture Awards through Competitions for University-level Delegates, more. The 2015 Summer Youth Assembly at the UN has, as its Host and Lead Endorser, His Excellence Ambassador Federico Alberto Gonzalez & the Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the United Nations.
  • Co-chairs of the Program: Mr. Patrick Sciarratta and Jolly Amatya
  • International Youth Delegates ages 16-28+ years old
  • A  3-day Conference: August 5, 6 & 7 2015
  • Partners and Supporters: UNESCO, Office of the UN Secretary-General Envoy on Youth, UN Habitat, WFUNA, World We Want, Microsoft YouthSpark, OpenJC, WAY, International Youth Council and several others.

Join the online conversations via #YouthAssembly and #WhyTheYA and watch the LIVE streaming via  Download event program here {}



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