Eat with Intention Episode #7: How to Love Your Body Now by Cassandra Bodzac, GC4W Holistic Lifestyle Expert

Love your body unconditionally and right now. 

GC4W is proud to share the videos about how to love your body now by our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community,

This video is Cassandra’s take on how to love your body now. She empathises with those who don’t love their bodies. She understands the feeling of looking into the mirror and not liking what you see. While it is understandable that people set fitness goals and dates, and believe that they will love their body once they reach a goal weight, it is important to stop putting a date to loving your body.

“We need to love our body right now”.

She equates this to a romantic relationship and speaks about holistically taking care of your body and wellness.

Meditation, appreciating the good and being grateful for having what you have are some of the things Cassandra suggests we do to ensure that we are giving our body the love it deserves. Eating healthy, exercising and other pursuits of fitness will follow the realisation that they are best things to do for the body.

Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of food, meditation, and self-care to create their ‘next level’ life. She has been dubbed a “spiritual leader” by Well and Good and is the mindful cooking show host of Eat with Intention TV or you may know her as the happy, healthy living guru from ABC’s The Taste. Cassandra speaks all over the country, works with a select group of clients one on one and enjoys spending her free time on the beach in Santa Monica enjoying life.

See also  Meet Cassandra Bodzak, the GC4W Holistic Lifestyle Expert.

We will be sharing videos from Cassandra’s Web Series “Eat with Intention” on the GC4W Health page. Here is Episode #7: How to Love Your Body Now.

Click to learn more about Cassandra, buy her book, or follow her on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).

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