GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak and her quick and easy ways to add a little something to nut butters. In this episode, Cassandra Bodzac helps to demystify some of the misconceptions around nut butters and provides some healthy recipes to make some quick and yummy snacks and meals with different kinds…
GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak and her recipe for the no grain-nola bar. This recipe from Cassandra Bodzac is a raw nut and seed granola bar that is free from any grains. She also shares the various uses for this healthy snack, be it a s a compliment to her cup…
Love your body unconditionally and right now. GC4W is proud to share the videos about how to love your body now by our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. This video is Cassandra’s take…

GC4W is proud to share the videos of Cassandra Bodzak, our holistic lifestyle expert. Cassandra is the best-selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life that Lights You Up. She founded Aprecity.com, an online support community for mind, body and soul. Cassandra Bodzac is an internationally renowned meditation and wellness teacher. She instructs people on how to use…

GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra Bodzac is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of…

GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of food,…

GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of food,…

GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of food,…

GC4W is proud to share the healthy eating and wellness videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Aprecity.com. Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize…