Cynthia Nixon Announces Bid to Run for New York Governor. “I love New York, and today, I’m announcing my candidacy for Governor,” Cynthia Nixon tweets.  A potential first female Governor in New York history, if she wins.

Cynthia Nixon, an education activist better known for her work in “Sex and the City,” announced her candidacy for governor on Twitter on Monday.

The actress Cynthia Nixon officially jumped into the race for governor of New York on Monday, setting off what promises to be a tumultuous six months as she challenges Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in this year’s Democratic primary.

“Our leaders are letting us down,” she says in a video posted on Twitter, talking about the inequities in New York spliced between images of her walking on the streets of New York City and taking the subways.

Ms. Nixon, 51, has never before run for elected office and has chosen a huge undertaking for her first bid: seeking to unseat a two-term incumbent (and son of a three-term governor) who is sitting atop more than $30 million in campaign cash.

“I’m not nervous about whoever runs,” Mr. Cuomo said last week. “There’ll be people who run. That’s called elections, and that’s fine.”

If elected, Ms. Nixon, best known for her work in the “Sex and the City” franchise, would become the First Female Governor in New York history. She would also be the state’s first openly gay governor. Her wife, Christine Marinoni, recently stepped down from a post in the de Blasio administration.

Two former strategists for Mr. de Blasio, Bill Hyers and Rebecca Katz, have signed on to advise Ms. Nixon’s campaign.

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