Motherhood and entrepreneurship have a lot in common, meaning raising kids can do wonders in preparing you to run a business.

We’ve all heard that motherhood is a thankless, underpaid job, right? Turns out, so is entrepreneurship. You aren’t going to start your own business if you are looking for pats on the back and a huge salary. None the less, like motherhood, this shouldn’t stop you from jumping head first into the most amazing experience of your life.

Here are six reasons why moms make the best entrepreneurs.

1. No drama mama.

Mothers have learned how to keep their composure to get through unwelcomed situations with a little more grace. They know that while one minute they’re up to their elbows in poo, the next moment can bring pure bliss from a simple gesture like child’s smile. Suddenly, they are reminded that all their hard work and effort is well worth it.

Entrepreneurs live a similar existence, finding themselves in many icky and uncomfortable situations. One day they feel like their business is a failure, but then, with a small win, they’re reminded of why they went into business in the first place.

2. Don’t sweat the little stuff.

If moms dramatized every time the kids erred, they wouldn’t have any time to enjoy all the good stuff that’s happening around. They quickly clean up a mess, bandage a boo-boo or side-step piles of dirty clothes to get to what really matters: quality time spent with the kiddos.

As an entrepreneur the ability to stay focused on the big picture will be advantageous to success. This leaves them with more quality time to spend developing relationships and a long-term growth business.

See also  Forbes: How to Negotiate For A New Job If You're Underpaid Now.

3. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Juggling a full schedule of children’s play dates, practices, nap times, homework, dinner menus or whatever, truly sets mothers up with superior time management skills. Moms easily wade through daily to-do’s distinguishing urgent tasks from long-term goals, making them very efficient at their job.

Sometimes an entrepreneurial effort will be focused on making it through to the next day. Other times it’s about developing a strategy that will ensure the future of the company. Knowing when and where to invest time is a huge part of running ones own business with high level efficiency.

4. Hats look good on you.

Moms are used to wearing many hats. They become short-order cooks, doctors, therapists, teachers and chauffeurs. While they may possess some applicable skills already, for others they’ll just jump on YouTube for help from experts.

Most entrepreneurs possess a variety of skills that are applicable to starting their particular business. But as they really get into running a company, they’ll be forced to learn all sorts of new skills and gain knowledge in areas of expertise they didn’t even know existed.

5. It’s not you.

They have poured their heart and soul into their children, and when they get rejected, it’s hard not to take it personally. But mothers keep an eye on the prize. They continue giving of ourselves because they know unwavering dedication makes all the difference in raising a good human.

The same sensitivity applies to the way entrepreneurs experience rejection. Whether it is the failure of their initial company idea or repeated passes from financial investors, it’s hard not to take those rejections personally, when it’s about something you created.

See also  Inc.: Set Your Children Up for Success - Raise Boys and Girls the Same Way

6. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

As moms they are more likely to be the one that budgets spending and makes the majority of the purchases for their household, from school necessities to family vacations. Making smart and savvy decisions is a high-pressure gig. Knowing where to save and where to splurge can make all the difference in a family’s survival.

The large majority of startups are initially funded by the founders own personal savings. That makes every spend a big decision. An entrepreneur must decide between fees that are imperative to manage and grow their business versus those that just sound nice.


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