It is well-known that there are many benefits to having a regular yoga practice. We all have the best intentions for fitting yoga into our daily lives, but sometimes a busy life can get in the way.

We are in all phases and walks of life, whether juggling work, school, kids, errands or household responsibilities and sometimes, yoga is the last thing we have time for.

However, there are still ways to get your daily practice in, whether you have a couple of minutes or a couple of hours.

1. Set up your yoga space

By setting up a personal space where you can clear your mind and tune into your body, you will be more likely to stick to a daily practice of some sort. Be sure you clear at least a mat’s worth of space and stash a few simple props like a couple of blocks (or thick books), a strap (or belt) and a bolster (or firm pillow or couch cushion). If you create a comfortable practice space that excites you, you’ll be more inclined to keep that excitement for your daily practice.

2. Do it first thing in the morning

Get in the habit of starting your day with yoga, even if it’s only for 5-10 minutes. By waking up your body with movement, you are more likely to set the tone for your day, and be more mindful of your mobility throughout the day. Not a morning person? Customize your alarm with motivational messages or take a class on My Joy Yoga that you really enjoy. Take a Wake Up class at 6am (7:30am on weekends) or a Joy Yoga Flow at 9am to help get your body and day moving.

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3. Set reminders on your phone to take short breaks

Whether you use your alarm or an app, remind yourself to move. This is especially helpful for those who sit at a desk for much of the day. When your yoga alarm goes off, stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose) and take a couple of side bends to loosen the spine. Lunges are also a great way to work into the hips, as sitting in a chair shortens and tightens the psoas and hip flexors. Apps like Move offer reminders to get you up and moving with a tiny exercise of your choice, from yoga poses to push ups.

4. Take a yoga class

Sometimes, we know we want to move our bodies, but we get stuck with not knowing what to do. Those are the times when it’s nice to just be led through sequences and turn your mind off. My Joy Yoga offers a great variety of live-streamed and on-demand classes, from 5 minutes of meditation to a 75 minute Ashtanga Flow. The site is an excellent resource for those who can’t leave home or work and offers yoga videos for all bodies and modifications for all levels.

5. Use TV time

We all like to watch TV occasionally, even if it’s to catch the news. Rather than sitting on the couch for your viewing pleasure, try stretching, foam rolling, or self-massage with therapy balls. For a foam rolling routine you can do while watching your favorite TV programs, check out Ashley Borden’s full body rolling out routine.

Hopefully these tips will help you find a few minutes throughout your day to bring little snippets of yoga into your life.


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