How College Students Can Prioritize Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak

All opinions reserved to the author of this article

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, my college experience as I know it has abruptly been cut short — a disruption shared by college students across the country.

Over a matter of days, it seems almost everything has changed. Classes are being held on virtual platforms. Events and rituals — including graduation ceremonies — are being cancelled. Some colleges have strongly encouraged students to leave campus, while others have mandated it.

The general sentiment among college students is one of disbelief, disappointment, and sadness. While I understand and strongly agree with the social distancing measures being implemented, it doesn’t make the transition any easier. No one was expecting this, and it’s more important now than ever before to make sure we stay connected, supported, and mentally well.

Moving Back Home

Many students are leaving campus and moving back in with their family, either because their campus has required them to leave or because of their family’s preference. While some students may welcome this time with family, others will find it extremely challenging.

If you have a stressful home life, you are not alone. After adjusting to life on campus, home is not an ideal situation for many students, and being stripped of your choice to live elsewhere can be devastating. Dr. Amy Cirbus reminds us that this is an adjustment period for both you and your family, so try to be patient. She adds, “give yourself permission, and your family permission, to make mistakes. Try again tomorrow and do the best you can.”

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If you feel physically unsafe in your current living situation, please reach out to a trusted friend or other family member as soon as possible. In the meantime, Dr. Amy Cirbus recommends creating emotionally safe boundaries, like those discussed above. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline or the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline.

Feel Your Feelings

Over the past week, some people have ridiculed others for expressing sadness or anger as plans change and events get cancelled. These people employ the tactic of reminding you how bad others have it — people are sick and dying, afterall — so what do you really have to complain about?

What this perspective fails to acknowledge is that this is not how human emotions work. Our feelings don’t disappear just because we have the knowledge that others deal with bigger, more serious problems. Trying to make these feelings disappear can actually make them come back stronger.

However, it is possible to have it both ways. We can acknowledge that others in this country and the world are dealing with bigger problems than those that we are as young, healthy college students. We can practice social distancing because we know we owe it to our most vulnerable citizens. We can accept the reality of what is, and we can also be extremely sad and disappointed about it. Feeling our own feelings and being empathetic towards the hardships of others are in no way mutually exclusive.

During this challenging time, allow yourself to process your feelings. Talk about it, journal, and sit with your emotions. We are grieving the loss of an important period of time in our lives that we will never get back — and we are allowed to feel sad about it.

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Take Care of Your Mental Health 

In the midst of this crisis, it is just as important to take care of our mental health as it is our physical health.

Most importantly, make sure you have access to a mental health professional during this crisis if you need one. Many students are unsure of the state of their mental health care, as they may be moving away from their on-campus or near-campus counselor. You may be able to do telephone or video chat appointments with your provider, or can explore online options like online therapy with Talkspace.

College was already a time when it felt like so much is changing everyday. In the midst of change on a massive scale, let’s continue to look out for each other and prioritize our well-being.


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