How Mompreneurs Are Winning It in the Startup World

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there are moms — they have plenty of experience multitasking and working on tight deadlines. In fact, at least four out of every 10 new businesses are started by moms.

By Lesley Pyle 

Moms are busy people. Between the kids, the household and the job, you can barely find time to squeeze in a shower. So it makes sense that some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there are moms — they have plenty of experience multitasking and working on tight deadlines. In fact, at least four out of every 10 new businesses are owned by women.

What is it about motherhood that makes women so effective in business? And why do they choose to start their own companies instead of taking the corporate route? Let’s take a look.

1. They are multitasking pros

Being a mom means juggling a lot and being good at it. If you’re looking to start your own business one day, chances are that multitasking is going to be key to your success. When thinking about starting a business, don’t discount your ability to juggle numerous tasks at once — just because you have kids doesn’t mean you don’t have some serious skills in terms of time management and organizational tactics.

Remember that back in high school they told you multitasking was impossible? They were wrong. And if there’s anyone who knows how to work well under pressure and think on their feet, it’s moms.

2. They are good at managing teams

One unique advantage moms have is their experience managing a team. Early on, moms learn to juggle a household full of people who all have very different needs. This is invaluable when it comes to managing a startup team.

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Being able to build and maintain strong relationships with team members is an important component of success in any business, and being able to do so while wearing more than one hat at once is pretty rare. If you’re searching for candidates with entrepreneurial experience who are willing to take on a larger role in management, consider giving serious consideration to mompreneurs. They’ll not only contribute talent, but know-how, too.

3. Moms can stick to a budget

If you’re running a business out of your home, you know how hard it can be to stick to a budget — especially if there are kids and other family members who live with you. But even if you’re not paying rent or mortgage (and yes, there are some perks to being an entrepreneur), mom entrepreneurs are notorious for saving money in other ways.

There’s nothing like parenthood to show us what things are truly important and it’s not necessarily designer clothing or big fancy houses. Saying no to a more expensive brand name to find something that fits better into the budget is a daily occurrence for moms, and they can apply those skills to their work, too.

4. Mompreneurs are great at prioritizing

Whether you’re an entrepreneur at heart or are looking to make a career transition, prioritizing is one skill that all successful moms possess. When you’re juggling countless responsibilities and tasks, prioritizing becomes an essential part of your daily life. You need to know what is most important, what can wait until later and where you can cut corners. And once you become a mom, this can be applied to almost every aspect of your day — even something as simple as getting dinner on the table in a timely manner. Of course, it takes time to master prioritizing tasks and setting deadlines when juggling work and family commitments. But with practice and dedication, moms can use this skill in an entrepreneurial setting just as easily as they do at home.

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5. They still know when to take breaks

Many of today’s moms have learned to balance time with their kids and their screens. And that approach has helped them become more productive and innovative at work. A healthy work-life balance is one where you don’t constantly feel like you have to be working, but you know what your priorities are and how to take care of yourself. So if it means leaving your kid with a family member for an hour so you can get some uninterrupted focus time — and then once an hour reconnecting with your child — that can actually help keep both things (work and life) going well.

Basically, moms are learning everything they need to run a successful business by raising a family. From learning how to maintain a budget to prioritizing their tasks, stay-at-home moms are taking over the business world. Plus, in a time where most people work remotely, moms are gaining an advantage as they stay at home with their families.


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