Make Women’s Equality Day a National Holiday
Source: National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites
August 26th is the anniversary of women in the United States winning the constitutional right to vote in 1920. In 1973, Congress recognized this important historic date by declaring it as Women’s Equality Day.
Although this is a landmark date, many Americans are still unaware of its existence or its significance. The National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA) would like to expand the recognition of Women’s Equality Day by honoring both the work that has preceded us with the women’s suffrage movement as well as the work that is ongoing in terms of securing and expanding voting rights.
SPECIFICALLY: We are working with NWHA Partners in a campaign to advocate for even greater acknowledgment of the significance of Women’s Equality Day and the observance of it as a national day of celebration, in order to build momentum and bipartisan support for making it the next federal holiday.
A federal holiday “emphasizes particular aspects of the American heritage that molded the United States as a people and a nation.” There currently are no holidays honoring a woman or the contributions of women.
Along with individuals, community groups, organizations, workplaces, media outlets, and government agencies nationwide, please join us in promoting a national day of celebration by signing and sharing our petition.
Women’s Equality Day, August 26, 2022, will be the 102nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment that secured for women in the United States the constitutional right to vote. Our goal is to secure at least 102,000 signatures on this petition before Women’s Equality Day in 2022. Throughout the year, we will be working with our NWHA Partners to continue this campaign by promoting awareness and interest as well as increasing the number of signatures on this petition. Together we can build the momentum necessary for the bipartisan support for making Women’s Equality Day the next federal holiday.
- Sign our petition to demand that Women’s Equality Day (August 26th) be recognized as a National Day of Celebration. https://www.change.org/DemandADayForWomen
- Send a resolution to your state legislature or city council, or a proclamation to your governor or a mayor: Find a sample Resolution to Recognize Women’s Equality Day as a National Day of Celebration at: https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/resources/commemorations/womens-equality-day/
- Email this petition to your contacts: https://www.change.org/DemandADayForWomen
- Use this hashtag when talking about the campaign: #DemandADayForWomen
Thank you for your efforts to demand a national day for women – Women’s Equality Day!