Working parents — especially women — are looking for more flexibility and other changes to help them juggle work and family life.

Working parents — especially women — are looking for more flexibility and other changes to help them juggle work and family life.
We’re oftentimes told that as Black women, we’re all we have. This year, that was proven when our solidarity and unity were tested by time
Plus-size is a normal size and should be categorised with all the smaller sizes. And fashion brands should start having all sizes instead of S-L.
It’s time to get your money right, sis! Financial literacy gives you the knowledge to make educated decisions regarding your finances.
Women are always on the go. Yet, it’s important to pause every once in a while. A few minutes of deep breathing increases oxygen levels in the blood
The act of shopping after COVID became different for her too. “It felt too presumptive to buy something formal because I didn’t have anywhere to wear it”
Wearing makeup at virtual birthdays, bridal showers, and close-knit religious occasions such as Eid has only emphasized the happiness she feels.
Over 1 billion women around the world will have experienced perimenopause by 2025. But a culture that has spent years dismissing the process might explain why we don’t know more about it.
Sunscreen should be applied four times daily to provide the ultimate protection for your daily activities, says celebrity dermatologist, Dr. Harold Lancer.