Author page: Georgina

The Importance of Being a Great Follower

“Rare is the leadership position that is not simultaneously a position of followership.” — Jeffery J. Matthews from the book The Art of Command We constantly hear about leadership in the workplace and in academia, but we rarely hear about “followership.” This overemphasis on studying leadership comes at a cost: we don’t remember to appreciate the art of being a follower.…

Is Breastfeeding the Secret to Understanding Maternal Mental Health?

The postpartum period is one of the most physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging times of a woman’s life. There has been a dramatic rise in the number of mothers diagnosed with perinatal mental health problems in the U.S. in recent years. Postpartum mental health disorders include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychosis. Up to 20% of all women develop…

What Cleo Wade Gets About the Struggles of Working Mothers

Poet, artist and influencer Cleo Wade is—congrats!—having a baby. But because the internet is what it is, one commenter went full snide: “I see all these young women really hitting their stride professionally [are] then getting pregnant right at a high point,” they wrote. “I don’t get that. I never will.” Oh, honey. A bad move. In a follow-up post, Wade responded…

How to Make ‘Self-Care’ Actually Feel Like Self-Care

Self-care: In all its “treat yourself” glory, the term is now shorthand for a caricature of millennial self-indulgence, a hook on which everyone can hang complaints about “kids these days.” But it wasn’t always that way. A decade ago, when Google search interest in “self-care” was at its lowest and it hadn’t yet become that caricature, the idea was to focus on…

Burcins Galaxy #GC4W

Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil Has A Galaxy Named After Her

Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil is an astrophysicist at the University of Arizona. She is a 2018 TED Fellow. She grew up in Turkey, where she loved physics and the night sky. She attended school in Turkey and was the first generation of her family to attend college. She completed her undergraduate studies at Bilkent University in 2009 and moved to Texas Tech University for her graduate studies,…

ADAY Founders and their Plant-Based Fashion Collection

Established around the mission to set a new standard for clothing, using technical fabrics, a conscious supply chain (direct-to-consumer) and innovative production process, ADAY and its founders quickly gained recognition for disrupting the fashion industry with their minimalist, meaningful designs. ADAY’s latest label, Plant Bae, is an ode to their commitment to unique production and a responsible standard, combining beech trees…

3 Big Ways to Advance Your Business

Running a business is never easy. Whether you’re in charge of a small, specialized marketing firm, a large interstate supplier, or a sole-owner personal business, there are always areas of growth to focus on and ways to improve your company. But what should be tackled first? Here are three things to start with to advance your business. 1. Revamp Your…

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