Author page: Georgina

10 Women Empowerment Books We All Need To Read.

Time to be inspired. Whether you’re a bookworm or only read when it’s required, there are a few game-changing women empowerment books that you need to check out at your local library or bookstore. In no particular order, here are the top 10 inspirational books for women. 1. Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali  Hirsi Ali discusses her life story of her traditional…

Simone Biles Makes History Again, as USA Gymnastics Fumbles.

Olympic champion Simone Biles made history with a sweep of wins at the U.S. national gymnastics championships competition on Sunday, but all eyes were also trained on the bright teal leotard she chose for the occasion. Teal is the color designated for survivors of sexual assault, a community in which Biles counts herself, along with hundreds of others in the gymnastics world and beyond. It…

Reverse Mentoring Program : 3 Proven Outcomes Driving Change.

“We tipped the organization upside down,” he explained. “We now have the youngest and brightest teaching the oldest. Jack Welch, the formidable, former CEO of General Electric (GE), popularized the concept of reverse mentoring in 1999. In his pilot project, he paired 500 senior and junior employees, in hopes the latter would teach the former about technological advances and tools. In…

4 Big Opportunities to Help the U.S. Healthcare System Save Money.

Let’s face it, at a staggering $3.3 trillion in 2016, healthcare expenses in the United States is expensive. Many healthcare systems are left cash strapped, throwing the burden onto patients, who end up facing really high costs. Luckily, there are better ways to save money, creating a win-win situation for all. 1. Balancing the drive for technology. Technology in healthcare is…

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