Author page: juliana

4 Signs You’re Succeeding at Your Internship

4 Signs You’re Succeeding at Your Internship You’ve just begun to settle into the routine of your internship. But even if the sleep and coffee deprivation is beginning to wear you down, don’t despair! There’s a good chance that your internship is going better than you think it is, especially if you’ve been proactive in the workplace. Here are four…

CEO Elyse Stoltz Dickerson on Building Confidence at Work

CEO Elyse Stoltz Dickerson on Building Confidence at Work Elyse Stoltz Dickerson (Forbes) Elyse Stoltz Dickerson is CEO and co-founder of Eosera, Inc., a biotech company focused on ear care. Eosera products are found in 13K stores nationwide, at and Amazon. As a woman in business, I often found myself the only female in boardroom meetings full of suits and ties. During my…

Meet Cohort 3 of the GC4W Entrepreneurship Program

Meet Cohort 3 of the GC4W Entrepreneurship Program As The Global Connections for Women Foundation begins to teach its third cohort of the GC4W Entrepreneurship Program, we are excited to introduce the strong female founders who will be participating and taking the next step in their entrepreneurial careers.  This diverse cohort includes students across the country and globe as well…

How This Hollywood Producer Empowers Women in Film

How This Hollywood Producer Empowers Women Behind The Camera Hollywood producer, Laverne McKinnon, partner at K&L Productions, encourages creative professionals to use their stories to derive outer accomplishment from inner meaning through leadership coaching. For over two decades in the entertainment industry, she has been an activist in supporting women empowerment and breaking down barriers that exist for women working…

Ten Ways To Support Women In The Workplace During A Crisis

Ten Ways To Support Women In The Workplace During A Crisis There is growing concern that gender-based inequalities around the world will soon surge, reversing progress on gender equality and sustainable development goals. Losing ground at this stage will have dire consequences for women, especially when we have come this far. It’s imperative that women, girls, and other vulnerable groups are at the center…

How To Engage With Influencers To Multiply Your Brand Reach

When looking for potential ways to expand exposure and reach this year, many turn to influencer marketing. Defined by investing in influencers with large social media followings rather than in targeted advertisements, many find that the results are stronger with influencers simply because of the trust they’ve established with their audience. In fact, nearly 90% of marketers report that influencer marketing has…

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