GC4W Career News & Advice

Six Ways Leaders Can Support Team Success

Since leaders lead others, usually in groups or teams, any conversation about effective leadership can’t go too far before beginning to discuss how leaders help their teams. People have spent their lives studying the dynamics of team interactions, how teams form and develop, and the skills needed for team members to be successful. When thought about from this perspective, it…

Can You Afford To Quit Your Job?

It is a dream for many to quit their 9-to-5 jobs. Whether pursuing an entrepreneurial venture, supporting yourself as a freelancer, becoming a stay-at-home parent, or simply taking a break, it is important to take make sure you are financially prepared. Here is what to take into consideration before taking this exciting (but risky) step. Make a Game Plan Quitting…

The Importance of Networking (and How to Do It Well)

Do you dread networking? Here’s why it’s time to change your perspective. We get it — networking isn’t at the top of everyone’s to-do list. It can be time-consuming, downright awkward on occasion, and — depending on your personality — incredibly draining. However, there’s no denying the power a strong professional network can have over your career success. When it’s done well, networking…

Guidelines On How To Delegate Effectively

Delegation requires time management, thereby increasing your effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. When you are strong in time management, you are exercising conscious control of making choices about what you do, when you do it and how well you do it. But even if you excel in time management, what prevents you from taking the next step and delegating work to…

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