GC4W Career News & Advice

Serena Williams Serves Up A New Vision Of Life And Retirement

Serena Williams Serves Up A New Vision Of Life And Retirement By Joseph Coughlin Tennis star Serena Williams announced her ‘retirement’ from tennis this week while challenging the very idea of retirement. In her interview with Vogue Magazine, Williams commented, “I have never liked the word retirement. It doesn’t feel like a modern word to me….Maybe the best word to describe what I’m…

Building Dream Careers with Chantelle Brinkley

Building Dream Careers with Chantelle Brinkley Zerotrillion New York’s managing director on helping others achieve their dreams and approaching leadership with a spirit of experimentation By Bossing It Chantelle Brinkley is the managing director of Zerotrillion, New York where she is currently leading expansion into the United States. Prior to joining Zerotrillion, She held diverse roles in both best-in-class agencies…

How to Invest in Your 20s

How to Invest in Your 20s By Alexa Von Tobel When I started the financial planning company LearnVest back during the Great Recession, I spoke with thousands of people across the country to understand their biggest questions about money. Without fail, learning how to invest always topped the list. Whether you’re just a beginner to investing, trying to wade through…

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