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In Defense of Old-School Feminism

A new book, Feminism’s Forgotten Fight, pushes back on the notion that second-wave feminists only cared about sexual liberation. They fought for family values, too. By Ashley Fetters I spoke with Swinth about the still-relevant lessons of second-wave feminism presented in Feminism’s Forgotten Fight. An edited and condensed version of our conversation is below. Ashley Fetters: One of the central theses of the…

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The Day Women Went on Strike

BY SASCHA COHEN  On Aug. 26, 1970, a full 50 years after the passage of the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, 50,000 feminists paraded down New York City’s Fifth Avenue with linked arms, blocking the major thoroughfare during rush hour. Now, 45 years later, the legacy of that day continues to evolve. Officially sponsored by the National Organization for…

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Beyond Profit: How SDG Impact Helps the Private Sector

By Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Something remarkable happened this summer. The Business Roundtable’s “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,” called for companies to expand their concerns beyond shareholders and the bottom line to consider how they can also benefit customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. It drew a great deal of praise from those of us working in development. I read…

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Saudi Women React to New Travel and Work Rights

A wave of hope swept through Saudi Arabia when the government there announced in early August that it would soon extend significant new rights to women.  The changes, which started applying at the end of August, were anticipated to dramatically change the conservative kingdom’s so-called guardianship system, allowing women to get passports, travel, work, keep custody of minors and register births and divorces without…

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Three Ideas For Leaders To Be More Successful In The 21st Century

By François Ortalo-Magné A confusing, overwhelming, fragmented, unstructured deluge. This is how business leaders often described their context. Yet, as the top executives of their organizations, they understand the importance of remaining informed and vigilant about their fast-shifting landscape. Building on insights from researchers at London Business School, I find that, in the current interconnected and fast-changing world, leaders are…

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Tips to Help Self-Employed Mothers Achieve Balance and Success

Being a working mom is hard, but being an entrepreneur who is building a startup can present even more challenges. You’re probably not confined to a traditional work schedule so there isn’t much “time off.” There are going to be many, many learning curves along the way. All while trying to prioritize your own family. When the company you’re growing feels like raising…

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