Pixelsmith Location : Minneapolis MN US 2 plus years experience in web development. Pixelsmith is a web development company based in Minneapolis. Partner with clients that have a great understanding… More >>
Lockheed Martin Location : Richland WA US This Computer Tech Spt Anls Asc Manager will support and manage the General Service Administration (GSA) Office of Chief Information Office’s IT Enterprise… More >>

By Casey Johnson-Aksoy, Director of GC4W Champions Program. The Global Connection for Women Foundation (GC4W) created the GC4W Women Empowerment Workshop for the Women In Need Inc. (WIN). WIN has been helping homeless New York City women and their children transform their lives for over 30 years, through a progressive and holistic approach that provides options to help them improve…
Just one day into the GC4W #FiveforFive bring an education to Disabled Girls campaign, our message was heard across the world and into hearts of the people in Nigeria. As @TolulopeEbun, a young woman in Nigeria took it upon herself to dedicate her Friday tweets to raise $500 within 24 hours for the GC4W New School Development Project for Disabled Girls in Karamajiji, Abuja (Nigeria). Within minutes we…
Boston Scientific Corporation Location : Los Gatos CA US Oversees development builds associated with the project using special work requests. (n/a)…. More >>
When I Work Location : Saint Paul MN US OS and Web environments. Phone, Android or Web apps. Extensive experience with data analytics platforms for both web and mobile…. More >>
NorthStar Travel Media, LLC Location : Stowe VT US Software development initiatives. The Director of Software Development will. Their optimum performance level and carrier development…. More >>
MyTime Location : San Francisco CA US Time Scheduler on Web, i. Time, and work closely with CEO and founder Ethan Anderson (who previously founded Red…. More >>
Endeavor Location : US Have a profound understanding of and success with Agile product development and test-driven development. Constantly improving the development process…. More >>
U-Haul Location : Phoenix AZ US This individual will work closely with the Design Manager to create the User Experience for public-facing websites and internal web applications…. More >>