How one tweet raised over $500 for GC4W in one hour

Just one day into the GC4W #FiveforFive bring an education to Disabled Girls campaign, our message was heard across the world and into hearts of the people in Nigeria.

As @TolulopeEbun, a young woman in Nigeria took it upon herself to dedicate her Friday tweets to raise $500 within 24 hours for the GC4W New School Development Project for Disabled Girls in Karamajiji, Abuja (Nigeria).

Within minutes we received pledges from people all over the world, with most pledges coming from the people in Nigeria. @TolulopeEbun used the hashtags #GC4W and #ToluNiO to track pledges, and what was most incredible about her efforts, is how she surpassed her goal within an hour.

The GC4W “FiveforFive campaign can benefit from individuals like @TolulopeEbun, a perfect example of how one individual can derive action through her compassion for a cause that benefits the Disabled Girls in the City of Karamajiji, Abuja. We invite others to act, share, and educate their global community on the importance of this cause and to continue to help us raise the necessary funds to bring an education to the City of Karamajiji.

Join the “FiveforFive” Campaign by inviting 5 Friends to Donate $5 directly to GC4W’s GiveForward crowd funding campaign or donate on our website to fund this project and to be a critical part of the 20,000 global pledges. Remember that it only takes one person to influence others to take action and to act on behalf of a great cause like the GC4W Karamajiji New School Development Project.

GC4W Five for Five Campaign

100% of donations directly funds this project.

Thank you @ToluLopeEbun for paving the way and to those of you who have also donated.

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Check out the rest of the story via @Storify here or learn more about the GC4W #FiveforeFive bring education to disabled girls campaign.

If you would like more information on the #FiveforFive campaign or to learn more about the GC4W New School Development Project, please contact GC4W at

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