Tag: College Tips

9 Steps To Take When Creating Your Post-Grad Budget

After a bittersweet graduation and an extensive job search, budgeting may be the last thing on your mind. But despite what your college lifestyle may have led you to believe, you’re more responsible for your finances now than ever. Your post-college expenditures won’t just consist of late-night library vending machine raids and beach week martinis, but also rent, utilities, insurance and,…

How Procrastinating Your Schoolwork Impacts Your Mental Health

In college, wellness is often characterized as balancing academics with friends, jobs, and extracurriculars. Academics and the pressure to earn good grades is a prominent source of stress for college students. But does balancing schoolwork, managing time, and alleviating stress always mean getting work done ahead of time or taking the full allotted time to complete an assignment? Spending only as much…

7 Tips for Coping with Finals

It’s that time again if you’re a college or graduate student — time for finals. It’s also time to self-sabotage, to get in your own way in terms of effective studying. We stress out more than usual, even when we’re on top of the material, because of the anxiety surrounding test-taking. But you don’t have to stress out about final exams. You…

How to Change Your Career Path in College

It’s not an uncommon scenario: you have the skill set, resume, and collection of internships that make you perfect for one industry. Then, midway through college, one of your internships or other experiences makes you step back and say, “Wait—maybe I don’t actually want to do this.” Whether you came to the realization after an internship or after talking to…

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