Tag: Millennials

The Millennial CEO Embraces A New Approach To Leadership

The Millennial CEO Embraces A New Approach To Leadership By Alyssa Wright According to a study conducted by Pew Research in 2018, there are anywhere between 5 million to 11 million Millennials taking on upper management roles over the next decade. In what has been coined one of the largest leadership transitions in history, many of these Millennials are taking over significant-sized…

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Reverse Mentoring Program : 3 Proven Outcomes Driving Change.

“We tipped the organization upside down,” he explained. “We now have the youngest and brightest teaching the oldest. Jack Welch, the formidable, former CEO of General Electric (GE), popularized the concept of reverse mentoring in 1999. In his pilot project, he paired 500 senior and junior employees, in hopes the latter would teach the former about technological advances and tools. In…

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