Tag: Women in Business

Sara Blakely: 7 Life Lessons from the Founder of SPANX

“Can you see my underwear?” It’s a question every woman has asked her friends at some point—one that Sara Blakely, billionaire, founder, and sole owner of shapewear empire, SPANX®, turned into a billion-dollar solution. As a matter of fact, in 2012, Forbes named Blakely as the world’s youngest self-made billionaire. While it’s difficult to imagine the funny, vibrant, smart, and candid entrepreneur destined…

The Secrets To Financial Success For Women Entrepreneurs

The Secrets To Financial Success For Women Entrepreneurs By Melissa Houston According to research, women-owned businesses are growing faster and generating more revenue than the overall rate of new business creation. However, despite the bright spotlights shining on female entrepreneurs, there still needs to be an inequality regarding shared access to capital, mentorship, and other essential ingredients of success. It’s…

Breaking The Bamboo Ceiling: Advancing Asian Women To C-Suite Leadership

Breaking The Bamboo Ceiling: Advancing Asian Women To C-Suite Leadership By Shelley Zalis Companies continue to actively restructure their leadership teams through an inclusive lens. However, research shows that Asian Americans are the least likely to be promoted to management positions, with this gap even steeper for Asian women. It’s important to note that this so-called “bamboo ceiling” exists even…

Suneera Madhani Wants To Teach Women To Build Businesses With CEO School

Suneera Madhani Wants To Teach Women To Build Businesses With CEO School By Rebecca Suhrawardi Suneera Madhani and I are on a video interview. She’s coming off a couple of weeks of travel which included attending The White House’s Eid Dinner hosted by the President and Vice-President. We’re bonding over our choice of attire for the call–sweatshirts. Except hers is…

The No. 1 reason women say they would quit their jobs in 2023

The No. 1 reason women say they would quit their jobs in 2023 By Julia Boorstin Three years after the Covid-19 pandemic hit, women may have returned to the workforce after leaving in record numbers during the pandemic, but they feel growing pressure and are eager to seize better opportunities. While women continue to suffer from a pay gap, with working mothers seeing the largest…

Teams Trying To Look Productive? Ask Them To Do This Instead

Teams Trying To Look Productive? Ask Them To Do This Instead By Lisa Bodell According to workplace analytics company Visier Inc., around 43% of workers admit to spending more than 10 hours a week trying to “look productive” instead of focusing their time on valuable tasks. Performative activities range from responding immediately to non-urgent emails; attending non-essential meetings; and conducting unnecessary research…

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