About this Course
This course focuses on women’s health and human rights issues from infancy through old age, including information about positive interventions relating to those issues. Learners are encouraged to interact with each other through interactive discussions. It is important to us that this course be available to all learners. We encourage you to apply for Coursera’s financial aid. If the cost of the course certificate is difficult for you to afford. Please note that you may view all materials in this course, and participate in it, without purchasing a certificate. The course was co-created by Consulting Professor Anne Firth Murray and Kevin Hsu. Anne Firth Murray is the Content Director of the course; Kevin Hsu is the Design Director of the course.
Syllabus – What you will learn from this course
- Introduction
- Women’s Rights = Human Rights
- Education
- Childhood & Adolescence
- Reproductive Health
- Engage Your Community
- Violence Against Women in the Home and Community
- Women in War and Refugee Settings
- Women’s Quest to Escape Poverty: Work & Economic Empowerment
- Women’s Quest to Escape Poverty: Sex Work & Sex Trafficking
- Women, Aging, and End of Life
- Choosing Priorities, Making a Difference
More Information Beginner Level
- Approx. 51 hours to complete
- Suggested: Depending on your pace, this course can be completed in 8-11 weeks.
- 100% online course
- Coursera provides financial aid to learners who would like to complete a course but cannot afford the course fee. To apply for aid, select “Learn more and apply” in the Financial Aid section below the “Enroll” button. You’ll be prompted to complete a simple application; no other paperwork is required.
- Once you enroll for a Certificate, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes, and programming assignments (if applicable). Peer review assignments can only be submitted and reviewed once your session has begun. If you choose to explore the course without purchasing, you may not be able to access certain assignments.
What do I need to take this course?
An interest in health and social justice. It will be useful to have an open mind, a willingness to hear different points of view and a commitment to positive social change.
Access to the Internet. A stable internet connection will also be useful, as much of the other content, including video interviews and lectures, will be delivered online.