Writing well is one of the most important skills you can learn for success in the business world. Knowing how to write well allows you to deliver your ideas with the power they deserve.

Good writing also conveys a sense of your professional excellence to the world around you. In this course, you’ll master the simple, effective skills that drive all successful business writing. You’ll create impactful documents that not only showcase your ideas, but showcase your own professionalism to your audience. The principles you learn in this course enable you to become a great business writer. They also provide the foundation for moving into Graphic Design and Successful Presentation, so that you can unleash your best professional self whenever–and however–you present your ideas in the work.

Building Great Business Writing

The first lesson in this module introduces the Effective Communication specialization, the capstone project, and the Business Writing course. You’ll meet the writing instructor, Dr. Quentin McAndrew, and her counterparts Dave Underwood and Professor William Kuskin, who teach Graphic Design and Successful Presentation. Dave and William join Quentin to offer insights into how writing, design, and presentation relate to a process of continuous personal branding that we call Effective Communication. In this module, you’ll discover the simple principles that inform all great business writing and that serve as the foundation of this course. These lessons set the stage for the deeper exploration and specific techniques that follow, not just in Business Writing, but in Graphic Design and Successful Presentation as well.

The Formula for Writing Success

Did you know that the most important element of good writing isn’t good writing? It’s good organization. If you haven’t organized your documents for maximum effectiveness, you’ve wasted an opportunity to present your ideas–and yourself–with power. This module teaches you the universal organizational formula that allows you to optimize your business writing. You’ll understand how the principles you learned in Module One build to this formula, and you’ll see how a scaffold gets created and applied to a real business document. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to wield your organizational knowledge in service of your ideas and personal brand, and you’ll have built the foundation that allows you to generate powerful sentences in Module Three.

Basic Info

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