Caffeine can be a hard habit for many to quit. Who doesn’t love that warm mug of coffee in the morning? Sadly, that morning cup of ‘Joe is not doing your body any good.

Alison Stockton, a health and wellness coach and founder of Vibrant Balanced Health, gave some insight on how your body may react without the daily cup of coffee.

1. You’ll feel less anxious

The jittery feeling that comes from caffeine can cause anxiety. “Anxiety can occur if the ‘I NEED MY COFFEE’ habit is not met,” Alison explains. “You may feel a little anxious, maybe even agitated at first, this is all part of breaking a habit, especially one that can be so stimulating.”

It’s worth cutting the coffee because within a couple of weeks “you may be feeling calmer as your heart will stop racing with high caffeine levels,” Alison says.

2. Initially, you may get headaches

Since caffeine is an addiction, there are withdrawal symptoms at first. The headaches “Can range from mild to severe pounding headaches, although not everyone will experience this,” Alison says.

“In most cases, you’ll only experience a caffeine withdrawal headache if you have been drinking 500mg of caffeine per day – that’s about five cups or more of coffee.”

To combat this, Alison explains that it’s “necessary to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day.”

3. You’ll have better skin

“Many women feel the benefits of rehydration in their skin when they remove caffeine,” Alison explains. “This is because your liver begins to cleanse and detoxify. 30 days is a really good amount of time to see the benefits of taking coffee away, as your liver cleanses and naturally detoxes your body.”

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To see the benefits even faster, drink more water!

4. You may lose weight

“If you were to have three coffees a day, all of which are lattes, you could be consuming 200 – 380 calories depending on whether you opt for a syrupy-sweet version,” Alison explains.

In other words, you’re cutting out calories.

“Even if you’re a plain black Americano girl that’s still 15 calories per cup,” says Alison. It’s a minimal amount of calories, but swap for a banana and you’ll reap the nutritional benefits and, instead of an immediate spike of energy from your caffeine, will stay alert for longer thanks to the slow-release carbs.

5. You’ll sleep better

It will take getting used to, but your sleep will benefit from ditching caffeine.

“Even though you may feel tired as your body begins to adjust to the lack of stimulants it’s been so used to, in the long run, you will have a better night’s sleep once you start living a caffeine-free lifestyle… or at least a reduced caffeine lifestyle,” Alison explains.

To benefit from a peaceful night, Alison says, “definitely avoid coffee after midday to ensure a good night’s rest. Especially if you were used to drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening.”

“Studies have shown that caffeine intake even six hours before bedtime can disrupt a person’s sleep cycle that night.”

“Coffee is highly acidic, which means it can erode your tooth enamel and stains your teeth with every sip. By ditching the coffee or highly reducing it you’ll protect your teeth from a lifetime of erosion, leading to a whiter smile,” Alison says.

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“Coffee does have antioxidants too and flavonoids, so if you’re ditching it be sure to increase your veggies to avoid a dip in your intake of the good elements of caffeine,” Alison says.

7. You’ll go to the toilet less

According to the NHS, “caffeinated drinks can make the body produce urine more quickly.” You are losing water and that could lead to dehydration, so do not forget to drink water!

Source: Cosmopolitan UK

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