How To Keep Your Team Energized As You Kick Off The Year

By Julia Wuench

According to research published by Gallup in October 2020, just 36% of employees feel motivated at work. For some, this lack of motivation might be a direct result of pandemic fatigue while for others, it’s typically a combination of things, including a lack of attribution and acknowledgment from management, poor relationships with coworkers and general disinterest in the work they’re doing.

While unmotivated teams aren’t particularly good for business, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. With the right tools and motivational techniques, you can turn an unmotivated team into a highly-energized team that’s passionate about its work and your company.

Be the Leader Your Team Needs

According to research published by online job board, 79% of employees will quit a job when they feel unappreciated. Appreciating your employees—and letting them know it—is one of the keys to being a great leader. But it goes beyond that.

The best leaders can anticipate roadblocks before their employees run into them. They empower their employees to make important project decisions to ensure efficiency, and furthermore, they ensure their teams have access to the tools they need to get the job done well, whether that’s a more comfortable and ergonomic work environment, relevant data or adequate technology.

Incorporate Fun In the Workplace

Some of the best workplaces out there are famed for their “work hard, play hard” environments. Whether you’re working with a remote team or in the office, making work more fun is a great way to bring energy and excitement to your team. If you’re on-site, take opportunities to socialize your employees by planning group lunches or after-work outings, retreats or other group activities.

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Gamification is a great way to keep your employees motivated and energized regardless of your remote work situation. In fact, a survey conducted by TalentLMS in 2019 indicated that 89% of employees felt more productive when their employers gamified their workload and 88% reported feeling happier at work. So what is gamification, exactly? Gamified workplaces typically incorporate a points or badge system that rewards them for milestones and successes and in most cases, these points can be exchanged for physical prizes or other rewards, such as paid time off.

Ask Your Team For Opinions

Whether you’re making a big decision that will affect project outcomes or a minor decision about replacing the coffee maker in the break room, your employees will appreciate being asked for their input. Knowing that you value what they have to say is a great way to gain their trust in return and to help them feel energized at work. Even when you’re not in the process of making decisions, asking your team to provide you with feedback about company policies and procedures or even your management style is a good way to show them you care about what they have to say.

Keeping your team motivated and energized throughout the year may even help your company realize greater success in 2022. Research by Gallup shows that businesses with motivated teams typically increase revenue by an average of 21%, so keep your team feeling empowered and don’t be afraid to have a little fun in the office.



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