With so much news content being published each day on gc4women.org, we have decided to start a new “Weekend Reads” tradition to keep you informed and connected to the resources to improve your life and business. 

The following are top reads and trending topics on GC4W news:

1. How To Invest Your Money Like A Woman

There are many advantages to investing earlier, and one of the primary reasons is having more time for your money to grow. Growing your money means that your initial investment makes interest on that money, so your pot of money increases. The goal of investing is to get your money working harder for you to achieve your financial goals.

Women are in strong education and economic trajectories where women are more educated than ever and making more money. The financial industry moving towards making investing more accessible for people through online investing platforms, self-directed portfolios, zero fees, and the ability to start investing with less money is a massive change that reduces entry barriers. It is much easier for women to invest their money and watch it grow.

Read more here. GC4W

2. Ketanji Brown Jackson Marks Her Own History

Jackson’s confirmation process was an intensive one. It required her meeting with 97 sitting Senators. The hearings themselves were, at times, hostile and many Republican Senators walked out of the chambers the moment the confirmation was announced. Today, President Biden acknowledged in his address that he knew the process would be “painful and difficult.” Despite all of that, Jackson was optimistic throughout her speech today about what this moment meant for her personally, and for the country.

Read more here. GC4W

3. Female Scientists in Africa are Changing the Face of Their Continent

Female scientists in Africa are entrepreneurial and resourceful. They are finding innovative solutions to problems that affect their communities, and many are actively seeking to engage others in their work. But for more women on the continent to achieve in science, they need policies that help to lower the barriers to their success and that incentivize international collaborations. These are among the findings of a special series of articles in Nature, as well as a poll that received responses from 249 African researchers. The majority (217) work in African countries, and 103 identified as female.

Read more here.


4. Kelly Rowland Empowers Women To Live Healthier Lifestyles

For the last few decades, Grammy award-winning singer Kelly Rowland has built a career of longevity marked by music that empowers women to be their very best selves. Whether it was creating women empowerment anthems with former bandmates of Destiny’s Child or using her platform as a solo artist to advocate for them through timeless music, the musician is a champion for women. That advocacy has not changed as the mother of two is now teaming up with consumer brand Silk for the #SwapItWithSilk challenge.

The challenge, taking place via TikTok, encourages people to trade in some of their commonly used dairy products for Silk’s dairy-free options.

For(bes) The Culture caught up with Rowland to discuss her latest collaboration with Silk, motherhood, and Black women’s impact on the movement to embrace plant-based food alternatives.

Read more here. GC4W

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