Author page: abby

Female-Led Shoe Brand Founders are Pushing for Style and Comfort

Designers like Tiffany Tuttle and other founders of female-led luxury shoe brands are pushing for style and comfort in shoe designs, trying to connect with an untapped segment of women. As a former dancer, Tiffany Tuttle, founder of luxury shoe brand LD Tuttle, knows the importance of comfort-driven design in making or breaking a performance. After realizing that her passion for sketching…

NYU: Empowering Women in Information Technology

Women in Information Technology (WIT), an initiative launched by New York University (NYU), aims to counter the scarcity of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields of study and in the technology industry in general.  According to a 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics report, women comprised just 18% of computer and information sciences bachelor’s degree recipients in the U.S.…

The Women in Science (WiSci) Camp aims to Close the Gender Gap, #GirlUp.

The Women in Science (WiSci) camp aims to close the gender gap through access to education, mentorship opportunities, and leadership training. Girls will participate in hands-on activities to learn about various STEAM topics in a cross-cultural learning environment. STEAM stands for Science Technology Engineering Arts & Design Mathematics. Why focus on STEAM education for girls? Over the past 15 years,…

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