Author page: Mia Mantillam

15 Ways to Celebrate Easter With Your Kids During COVID-19

By: Deena Campbell The ending of winter means the start of another (dare we say, better) season: Spring. You’ve been indoors a lot these days, but Spring is the best time to do outdoor activities (while practicing social distancing) and the Easter holiday is the perfect excuse to do even more activities your kids will love.  To help you start thinking of Easter traditions to try (and…

7 Ways Parents Can Teach Girls to Build Female Unity

By: Phyllis Fagell When Ashley Eckstein, an actress and entrepreneur, started performing professionally in fifth grade, the other girls in her class taunted her relentlessly. Now 37, Eckstein recently brought her 13-year-old niece to a girls leadership summit to show her a different dynamic — hundreds of girls celebrating one another’s accomplishments in fields including writing and social activism. “The cheers,…

How Blue Light Affects Our Vision, and Methods To Protect It

Do you sometimes find it hard to sleep at night? Chances are that blue light is affecting your body’s biological clock and disrupting your sleep patterns. This is a reality for many people if you consider that an average modern human being spends almost 5,000 hours staring at screens that emit blue light. It’s inevitable that as digital technologies continue to be available to…

How To Practice Simple Mindfulness Activities With Your Kids

Creating a Family Mindfulness Practice Mindfulness, or the act of being fully present and accepting our own emotions without judgement, has been practiced for thousands of years. With roots in Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s often connected to meditation, yoga, and even spiritual enlightenment. And the benefits are wide-ranging: It can help rewire negative thought patterns, decrease stress levels, and increase…

Collagen: 5 Things You Need to Know

What is collagen?  Collagen is a protein. Think of collagen as the building blocks for our hair, skin, nails, bones, muscles. It gives our bodies structure. Our body naturally produces this protein but as we get older, we produce less and less… and the protein that we do produce is lower quality. There are nutrients that can help increase production, like vitamin C. 2.…

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