GC4W Career News & Advice

Reverse Mentoring Program : 3 Proven Outcomes Driving Change.

“We tipped the organization upside down,” he explained. “We now have the youngest and brightest teaching the oldest. Jack Welch, the formidable, former CEO of General Electric (GE), popularized the concept of reverse mentoring in 1999. In his pilot project, he paired 500 senior and junior employees, in hopes the latter would teach the former about technological advances and tools. In…

How 20-Year-Old Kylie Jenner Built A $900 Million Fortune In Less Than 3 Years.

In a recent interview with Forbes Magazine, Kylie Jenner sits at a dark-wood dining table at her mother’s home in Calabasas, California, flicking through display options for a forthcoming pop-up shop. The youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner industrial complex needs to decide how to showcase products by her Kylie Cosmetics makeup company. She taps her black iPhone X with a silver…

Mary Adams Encourages Women To “Change The World Like A Girl.”

Mary Adams Wants You To “Change the world like a girl.” Adams, the co-founder and program manager of Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative, is just one woman leading the way in the field of science, technology, engineering and math, also known as STEM. Adams, along with other influential women leaders in STEM, spoke at the Bringing More Women into the Fold in STEM session…

8 Tips for Effective Time Management

Time is precious, particularly when it comes to running a small business. Yet there are never more than 24 hours in a day. Here are eight tips for effectively managing your time: 1. Know your goals. Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term. Everything else is a potential time-waster. Your daily plan should…

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