Students who are thrilled to do their homework every single day are rare… if there are any. Everyone needs a motivational push now and then, and you will be surprised what inspiration can do with your opinion about “pointless” homework assignments. Even if you don’t see the point in doing homework, you still see a point in getting good grades,…
24 Under 24 Leaders and Innovators In STEAM and Space Awards An annual awards program presented by The Mars Generation serves to recognize and honor young people making an incredible impact and effecting change in the world through science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics (STEAM) and/or space. This next generation of leaders and innovators are primed to have the ability…
Time management can be a common problem for any student. But throw work, children and social activities in the mix, and the web of daily responsibilities becomes even more difficult to tame. So what can you do to better manage your time? 1. Write down everything You’re sitting in class ready to leave when the teacher makes an announcement. You…
As university women, we appreciate all the great work colleges and universities do to support women. Whether it’s hosting a conference or creating a supportive environment, students, faculty, and administrators take action every day to advocate on behalf of women — and we want to recognize some of those schools and the work they do. Here are seven colleges and universities…
College doesn’t come cheap. As collegiettes, we’re so focused on making the most of our four years on campus – balancing our classes and good grades with social lives, extracurriculars and even study abroad experiences. Every little bit of cash counts, so we’re sharing our favorite money-saving hacks to help you make the most of college. 1. Choose the right…
Writing well is one of the most important skills you can learn for success in the business world. Knowing how to write well allows you to deliver your ideas with the power they deserve. Good writing also conveys a sense of your professional excellence to the world around you. In this course, you’ll master the simple, effective skills that drive…
We know that choosing a college major can be overwhelming. But have no fear! Your choice of major will not lock you into a specific career for the rest of your life. That said, you WILL spend a lot of time on whatever subject you choose. Here’s what you need to know about college majors before you commit. Things to…
Learning comes in many forms, but experiential learning is one of the most beneficial. This is why many universities include an internship or co-op in the curriculum. But, as anyone who has ever done an internship while also taking classes, internships aren’t always the most convenient addition to a student’s schedule. That’s where on-campus experiences come in. You may be a…
Women’s colleges provide a unique, supportive environment for women to succeed in science and math. For too many students, college is a time to give up on dreams of pursuing a science, technology, engineering or math career – and this is especially true for women and minorities. From 2009 to 2013, approximately 22 percent of women entered college intending to major in…
The stunning announcement was made Thursday morning at the end of the annual “White Coat Ceremony,” where new medical students are given white lab coats to mark the start of their M.D. degree program. “Our last thing was to tell the students and their parents that, hey, tuition is going to be on us,” Dr. Rafael Rivera, associate dean for…