Great strides still need to be made to secure female equality in society, let’s use this Women’s History Month to make a small, yet monumental impact.

Great strides still need to be made to secure female equality in society, let’s use this Women’s History Month to make a small, yet monumental impact.
Women entrepreneurs are making their mark in the business world by taking on new challenges daily and are finding great success. According to nonprofit organization Catalyst, women hold only 6 percent of CEO positions in the S&P 500. That percentage jumps considerably when you look at ecommerce, as Amazon data company Jungle Scout reports 32 percent of sellers are women. But even this statistic reveals a gender gap in the business. Women…
With so much news content being published each day on, we have decided to start a new tradition to keep you informed and connected to the resources to improve your life and business. The following are top picks and trending topics on news.
By Bethany Peterson As we take the time to celebrate the incredible contributions of women throughout history during Women’s History Month, it’s also a good moment to look around at the women currently fighting to be taken seriously, gain equality, and earn well-deserved respect in spaces still dominated by sexism and discrimination. If the last #OscarsSoMale season is any indicator, representation remains seriously lacking…
Do you sometimes find it hard to sleep at night? Chances are that blue light is affecting your body’s biological clock and disrupting your sleep patterns. This is a reality for many people if you consider that an average modern human being spends almost 5,000 hours staring at screens that emit blue light. It’s inevitable that as digital technologies continue to be available to…
By Peter High A little less than 20% of chief information officers in the United States are women. That roughly mirrors the percentage of women enrolled in engineering programs at universities in the U.S. Although progress has been made in the roughly 40 years since the inception of the CIO role, more needs to be done to create pathways for…
Often, we hear that attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) can be frustrating for students, for many different reasons. This piece explores some of the challenges that two current HBCU doctoral students, Geoffrey and Josh, have encountered and how they navigated those experiences.
One thing became clear: Working-mother guilt persists in American society today because gender-role expectations haven’t evolved enough.
Creating a Family Mindfulness Practice Mindfulness, or the act of being fully present and accepting our own emotions without judgement, has been practiced for thousands of years. With roots in Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s often connected to meditation, yoga, and even spiritual enlightenment. And the benefits are wide-ranging: It can help rewire negative thought patterns, decrease stress levels, and increase…
By Dr Amy Silver This past year has been a year of change (some good, some very bad), continuous uncertainty and a whole lot of fear. We have been in protection mode for so long now thinking and planning to protect ourselves and our loved ones from economic, career, financial, social, mental health and physical health risks. Re-integration requires even more…