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Ruiwan Xu, Founder and CEO of Career Tu. Her Journey and Career Experience.

Why do I abandon working at Amazon, as a Marketing Manager to spend five years working in an Unpaid Internship. In 2012-2017, I spent 5 years from architecture to internet marketing, from ad agency to an unpaid intern to product marketing manager at Amazon, where I learned a story of the opposite direction. 2017年是我来美国的10年, 也是自己自我沉淀和转型的一年。 2012-2017年,我用了5年,从建筑转专业到互联网营销,从广告公司Unpaid intern(无薪水实习生)奋斗到亚马逊产品营销经理,演绎了一个学渣逆袭的故事。 2017年,用了5天决定从亚马逊辞职,一切归零,去做我热血了5年的创业事业。 刚出来的那周就有不少小伙伴们,私信说很期待我的“辞职文”,那几周心里和脑子都很乱。特别清楚的记得辞职后最后几天,开始轮流和公司的同事、大佬喝咖啡,许多人替我可惜,说我是“leave money…

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NYU: From Pursuing Degrees to Continued Learning

New York University (NYU) offers courses that allow students and professionals to pursue degrees and certificates for career advancement, to meet a profession’s continuing education requirements and other courses to encourage one’s involved pursuit of an area of interest. Learning is a life-long endeavor. Today, continuing education encompasses a wide span of programs across NYU’s schools, but it is most…

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Fast Company: Entrepreneur Reveals How to Stay Productive All Week

In 2014, I was constantly anxious. My business was doing well, but I couldn’t say the same about my mental health. Had you asked my business partners, friends, or peers three years ago, every single one of them would’ve described me as volatile–somebody who couldn’t deal with tense, high-stakes situations. I remember one instance when a vendor was about to…

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WSJ: Smarter Ways to Study for Tests

Many students will plunge into marathon study sessions, rereading textbooks and highlighting their notes late into the night. The more effort the better, right? This article delves into smarter ways to study and how asking for help before you study can improve effectiveness exponentially. What’s the best way to study for a test? New research shows students who excel at…

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Women’s March 2018 Epitomizes Strength and Conveys Hope

One year after protestors organized the Women’s March the conversation continues. Thousands of people take to the streets around the world in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Italy and Norway to protest discrimination. The strong, over-arching theme continued to remain political – exercise your right to vote, register to vote and run for office. However, other important topics of discontent,…

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Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2018 by Tomorrow People Organisation

The Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2018 is organized by Tomorrow People Organization – an internationally recognized nonprofit organization with headquarters in Belgrade, Serbia. The conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The official language of the conference in English. Attendance of delegates from more than 40 countries is expected. Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference 2018, organised by Tomorrow People Organisation,…

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EDX: Inclusive Leadership Course to Hone your Leadership Skills

Acquire the globally in-demand leadership skills necessary to build an inclusive workplace culture in this Inclusive Leadership Professional Certificate Program. Around the world, organizations and customers are growing more diverse. To remain competitive, organizations must move from diversity to inclusion to increase employee engagement, innovation, and to win the war for talent. Today’s leaders must leverage the full power of…

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Eat with Intention Episode #7: How to Love Your Body Now by Cassandra Bodzac, GC4W Holistic Lifestyle Expert

Love your body unconditionally and right now.  GC4W is proud to share the videos about how to love your body now by our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, This video is Cassandra’s take…

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