Careertu - Global Connections for Women

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Ruiwan Xu, Founder and CEO of Career Tu. Her Journey and Career Experience.

Why do I abandon working at Amazon, as a Marketing Manager to spend five years working in an Unpaid Internship. In 2012-2017, I spent 5 years from architecture to internet marketing, from ad agency to an unpaid intern to product marketing manager at Amazon, where I learned a story of the opposite direction. 2017年是我来美国的10年, 也是自己自我沉淀和转型的一年。 2012-2017年,我用了5年,从建筑转专业到互联网营销,从广告公司Unpaid intern(无薪水实习生)奋斗到亚马逊产品营销经理,演绎了一个学渣逆袭的故事。 2017年,用了5天决定从亚马逊辞职,一切归零,去做我热血了5年的创业事业。 刚出来的那周就有不少小伙伴们,私信说很期待我的“辞职文”,那几周心里和脑子都很乱。特别清楚的记得辞职后最后几天,开始轮流和公司的同事、大佬喝咖啡,许多人替我可惜,说我是“leave money…

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