Tag: College

10 Ways to Calm Pre-College Nerves

10 Ways to Calm Pre-College Nerves COLLEGE. It’s an exciting word, but also a terrifying one. After months of endless applications, emotional acceptances and rejections, and difficult decisions, it’s now your last summer at home. Soon, you’ll finally be ready to pack your bags and go. Or are you?  As your departure date draws closer, you’re probably suffering from some serious pre-college…

How to Be a Proactive Communicator During Your Remote Internship

How to Be a Proactive Communicator During Your Remote Internship The world feels like it’s on pause, but that doesn’t mean your career development options have disappeared. In fact, there are tons of remote internship opportunities popping up. But once you’ve landed an internship (congrats, BTW!), now you’re faced with the struggle of remote communication. How often is too often to chat? Are you acting…

Why it’s Okay if You Still Have No Idea What You’re Doing After Graduation

Why it’s Okay if You Still Have No Idea What You’re Doing After Graduation “What’s your plan for after graduation?!” There it is–every college student’s favorite question. Whether it’s relatives, family friends, professors or peers, having to explain or express your uncertainty to people never gets easier, and can definitely feel very defeating. No matter how annoying it can be to…

What to Do After College When You Have Multiple Strong Interests

What to Do After College When You Have Multiple Strong Interests Graduating college is a big deal. That’s why we decorate our caps and celebrate four years of stressful classes, growing friendships and late night partying studying. Even though we’re in the middle of a pandemic, those final moments of transition to the real world are still a big deal—and after the festivities end and you…

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Remote Internship

You snagged a remote internship—congrats! Welcome to a world of flexible working. While remote internships have a ton of pros, you’ll need to be prepared to work and complete all of your intern responsibilities…with all the distractions at home. When you have a remote internship, how can you stay focused and make sure you’re getting things done? Here’s five easy tips to do so! Plan…

How To Maintain Your Career Plans During This Pandemic

 With COVID-19 spreading rapidly across the globe, many companies are more concerned with the present rather than looking forward to hiring new employees, resulting in several hiring freezes. While the situation is unprecedented and understandably stressful, it makes this time extremely difficult for seniors who depend on jobs after graduation to support themselves. Esther Leonard, the Assistant Director of Career Education at Boston University, discusses with HerCampus…

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