Tag: female ceo

10 Top Women CEOs

10 Top Women CEOs These 10 women lead Fortune 500 companies By WENDY CONNETT It is often said that the glass ceiling in corporate boardrooms is still intact. However, a few cracks appear here and there. Though the number of women chief executive officers (CEOs) at the helm of the largest companies is still significantly lower than the number of men serving as CEOs, their…

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Why Women Aren’t CEOs? From Women Who Almost Were

Why Women Aren’t CEOs, According to Women Who Almost Were It’s not a pipeline problem. It’s about loneliness, competition and deeply rooted barriers. By Susan Chira A year ago, dressed in suffragette white and addressing a cheering, weeping convention, Hillary Clinton stood for possibility. Now she is a reminder of the limits women continue to confront — in politics and…

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