5 Reasons to Practice Mindfulness in 2020 Of all the ancient and modern practices designed to wake us up, why has the simple practice of mindfulness and mindful meditation arrived at the forefront of our cultural sensibility? Why is it taking hold so strongly in our American health care, academic, and business institutions? What makes mindfulness so compelling, grabbing our…
These 9 snack options can help you reach your weight loss goal. A huge mistake that people tend to make when dieting is skipping meals. The American Heart Association has found that skipping food generall backfires as it sets a person up to overeat. Studies have suggested that having a healthful eating pattern will likely result in maintaining their weight. If looking…
Lola, the new direct-to-consumer tampon brand founded by two Dartmouth grads, Jordana Kier and Alexandra Friedman, is on a mission to revolutionize the feminine care category. The NYC-based startup aims to improve a professional woman’s feminine care across her reproductive cycle starting with its convenient and flexible online subscription service, tampon ingredient and design enhancements, transparent business model, and modern…