Momentum for Change_Climate Change_GC4W

On this day of giving thanks, the Global Connections for Women foundation (GC4W) celebrates its appreciation for a global cause that looks to address climate change and its associated economic and social challenges.

Momentum for Change, a United Nations-affiliated organization, highlights the numerous grassroots initiatives called “Lighthouse Activities” that promote low-carbon solutions. Among Momentum for Change’s focus areas is “Women for Results,” a Rockefeller Foundation supported project that recognizes women’s roles in developing innovative projects that combat the effects of climate change.

Momentum for Change – Change for Good from Momentum for Change on Vimeo.

To promote its groundbreaking work, Momentum for Change launched a massive “Celebrating Climate Solutions” social media campaign this month, reaching millions and raising awareness worldwide. The campaign was spearheaded through Thunderclap,
a crowd-speaking website that amplifies the voices of a cause. Similar to the concept of crowd-funding. Thunderclap campaigns have a supporter goal; once that goal is reached, Thunderclap simultaneously blasts each supporter’s post from Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr – creating an explosive wave of attention for the campaign.

“Celebrating Climate Solutions” reached 161% of its goal by Nov. 25, with 161
supporters reaching more than 4.4 million impressions via social media. And GC4W is proud to be one of those supporters!

The same day as the Thunderclap on November 25, the Momentum for Change Executive Secretary, Christiana Figueres hosted a live Twitter chat to showcase the organization’s Lighthouse Activities in 2014. Figueres tweeted, “Addressing #ClimateChange: we must, we can, we will.” Momentum for Change not only aims to alleviate environmental problems caused by climate change, it also speaks to the strong role that women play in climate action.

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GC4W invites you to support “Momentum for Change” by joining the online conversations via on Twitter/@Momentum_UNFCCC and on Facebook/unfcccmomentum.

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