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“Men – I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue too.” ~ Actress Emma Watson, UN Women Ambassador

The “HeforShe” movement has transcended throughout the world in hopes to perpetuate deeper male involvement in achieving gender equality. Enacted by UN Women, the “He For She” campaign has garnered the support of almost 200,000 men across the globe – an overwhelming amount of support has come from countries where women’s rights have been for too long hidden in the shadows.

With a diverse spectrum of speakers, Emma Watson who delivered her speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York – Where she officially launched the “He For She” campaign. Her speech introduced a more male friendly approach at progressing feminism, mainly by allowing men to play a bigger role defeating gender inequality. She emphasized the importance of how women who advocate equal rights are not speaking of “anti-men” policies, but equal opportunities.

Prominent male figures, from all different backgrounds, have also teamed up to send a
powerful and informative message to the male masses stressing the imperative need for
gender equality. From Matt Damon to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, men have been lending their voice to speak out against the various inequalities ubiquitous throughout the economic, financial, political, and social world.

UN Women, the organization leading the campaign, has used Twitter and YouTube to
spread the inspiring message. The HeForShe YouTube channel features videos of men
sharing their statements on how to better systematic inequalities.

The campaign hopes to mobilize 200,000 men by the end of the year. Men can participate by joining the cause on HeForShe.org and downloading the Action Kit where they can learn more about the cause and how they can personally play a part in making a changetowards creating fairer opportunities for women in their own country.

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un women and gc4w

The Global Connections for Women foundation (GC4W) joins UN Women in spreading the word about the HeforShe movement. GC4W strongly believes in gender equality and the full participation of men will help nations achieve this goal.

We urge the men in our network to join the cause. Write us with your ideas on how we can put an end to gender inequality and get involve by visiting HeForShe.org to pledge your support for this movement. A Twitter campaign has also been launched, with thousands voicing their support via #HeforShe – be sure to join the online conversations.

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