The world needs more winners and Fox Network’s MasterChef Junior is a true testament that these young chefs care more about making new friends than actually winning. The contestants on the show are competing for the title of “MasterChef Jr.” and a “$100,000” cash prize. When Oona was asked what she would do with the winnings, her response was “I’ll just go to Vegas.” It is no wonder why the show – will soon be America’s #1 Most Adorable TV Show. “The show highlights their passion and commitment” said Chef Ramsay.

The lessons from the contestants on the show, include courage, perseverance, and strength, as these exceptionally talented young chefs cope with the pressure of time and having to create 5 star quality meals on a fly – or go home. Everyone gets an A+ for their superb comprehension of food and what combination makes it tasty – which all seem to keep the judges hungry for more. “The excitement and exuberance that they bring to the table is remarkable” said Graham.

Fox MasterChef Junior with Chef Gordon Ramsay The other noteworthy lesson from the show is learning to celebrate others. “Adiah, you are one of the best cooks here” said Sean, who has the highest record of challenge winnings. A polar opposite to the adult version of the show, Top Chef Masters – emphasizing the importance of celebrating others on your rise to the top.

We also learn the significance of perseverance in the face of adversity, as we watched the youngest contestant on the show, Abby. Left with just two passing sunny side up eggs meant the same number is required for the ingredients on her next challenge. Abby, though shocked – gave it her best and used her creativity to create “asparagus” cooked 3 ways with salmon, a dish that intrigued Chef Ramsay’s palette.

Fox MasterChef Junior with Chef Gordon RamsaySimilar to us, you may start to wonder, how kids between the ages of 8-13 years old are able to find the courage to face Chef Ramsay with very few life experiences? Though we are not 100 percent certain, but we can conclude that what it takes to be successful requires courage, perseverance and strength. But, most importantly try to have fun.


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